Friday, January 6, 2017

The Climb to Success and Significance


The journey to success and significance is rarely a straight path toward a single destination. It’s more like climbing a tall mountain. You don’t reach the summit by climbing a straight line. You go to one level, regroup, plan the ascent to the next level, and repeat the process until you reach the peak. The mountain climber actually achieves several objectives before he reaches his major objective of the top of the mountain.               

That's the way it is when pursuing success and significance. We reach a number of lesser goals and objectives that serve as the platform for pursuing our most significant objectives. Some of you reading this blog today have some goals for 2017 that you would have never considered at the beginning of your career or business. You now have the experience, skills, and network to do greater work and achieve greater results. You grow yourself and your business step by step, level by level, destination by destination.

Here are a few considerations as you climb toward significance and success:
  • Build on your successes, and learn from your failures. Failure is never final, but failing to  learn from failure is unforgiveable.
  • You can’t go up unless you grow up. A plan for continual professional and personal growth is indispensable for continued success.
  • We achieve success by reaching our desired destination, but we achieve significance by bringing others with us. Significance is not found in what we do for ourselves, but in what we do for others.
We've already come through the first week of 2017. I encourage you to make continual daily progress toward the next level of your climb toward success and significance.

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