Tuesday, January 10, 2017

How Important Is Your Dream?

I can discern how important your dream is to you by what you are willing to do on a daily basis to achieve it. Are you communicating the significance of your dream through your daily agenda? Everyone seems to have a dream, vision, or significant objective for their careers and lives, but not everyone incorporates the pursuit of their dreams into their daily schedule.

As you consider the books that you will read during 2017, let me encourage you to consider The Wright Brothers by David McCullough. I knew the Wright brothers flew their plane at Kitty Hawk in 1903, but I did not realize the amount of labor, skill, knowledge, and determination that went into not just making that first flight, but also in developing their plane and their skills to produce a successful commercial endeavor. The Wright brothers had a dream of flying a heavier than air machine, and they committed a part of everyday working toward the realization of that dream. We would all do well to make that kind of determination a part of pursuing our significant goals and objectives.

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