Friday, March 4, 2016

The Positive Power of Daily Affirmations

The Positive Power of Daily Affirmations

            As I listened to a mentoring call the other night, I was made aware again of the importance of developing and using daily affirmations. These are statements about yourself to yourself that you repeat every morning to yourself and at any other times of the day that you find helpful. I have to admit that I have failed to keep up to date with my daily affirmations, so as a result of that speaker’s encouragement, I have developed and am utilizing the following daily affirmations.

1.      I am perfectly resourced to accomplish the goals and objectives my creator enables me to imagine.

2.      My failures do not define me, they refine me. I learn from both my failures and successes, and I am continually moving forward as I apply what I am learning.

3.      Every day, I choose to be a positive person, realizing that I and I alone determine my response to my circumstances.

I realize that these affirmations have some phrasing similar to other affirmations I have read, but they do capture for me what I feel is important for me to remember every day. Not only do I repeat these affirmations on a daily basis, I also live them out every day. I believe these affirmations, and, as it was pointed out on that call, to fail to live them out would be basically an act of hypocrisy on my part.

Do you have some daily affirmations that are significant for you? If not, take some time today to formulate a few daily affirmations and start repeating them and living them. You could also pour some value into my life and others by sharing some of them in response to this post.

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