Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Don't Call a Timeout!

I see it happen again and again. An individual or a team works hard to build momentum. Every thing starts coming together, phenomenal results are experienced, momentum is totally on their side. Then it happens. They take a break, go on a well-deserved vacation, have a celebratory few days of R & R away from the office. Everything can just coast for a few days or a week. The problem is that the only direction anything can coast is down hill. All the momentum you worked so hard to build is quickly dissipated.

Let me offer a few observations:
  • When you have momentum, build upon on it, don't just try to ride on it.
  • When you are succeeding, start laying the foundation for the next level. What you are doing now has gotten you to where you are, but where do you want go from here?
  • When momentum finally does peter out, go ahead and take a break. When you get back, things will be at about the same place as you left them.
  • The tide of business and opportunity ebbs and flows. Determine the cycles of your business and life and build momentum as you have opportunity.
When momentum is working for you, don't call a timeout. You can take a break later.

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