Monday, May 15, 2017

Become the Best at What You Do Best


As you focus on increasing your value to potential clients or employers, you have two options available. You can work on improving in your areas of weakness, or you can pay greater attention to developing your strengths.

If you work diligently to improve in an area in which you are just okay, you might be able to become average at doing it. In other words, you will be equipped to do an acceptable job. On the other hand, if you devote yourself to developing a skill in which you are already good, you have the potential of being great at doing it.

In either of the above scenarios, you will improve your abilities. In the first scenario, you can achieve average performance in an area that you were once only doing acceptable work. In the other, you are now performing at a great level. You are beginning to be the best at what you do.

What's the motivation for becoming great at a skill over becoming average in a skill? People pay the minimum for average, but they pay the maximum for great. Discover what you do best, then commit yourself to becoming the best at doing it.

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