Sometimes while driving, I find myself observing how some other people are driving. I am always fascinated when I am in slow moving traffic on a usually high speed freeway and see people coming down an approach lane and speeding up to 60 and 70 miles per hour in an effort to merge with the cars already on the freeway. The problem is that the cars on the freeway are doing 30 mph because of the traffic back up.
Some highly motivated entrepreneurial types with a new, exciting idea are, at times, like a driver speeding up to 70 mph to merge with a lane of traffic doing 30 mph. They are going at break neck speed with an idea or challenge, and they are extremely frustrated with the slow pace of the people around them.
driver merging into the slow lane of traffic discovers that he is going to have
to slow down a bit, navigate the slow traffic until it thins out some, and then
he can put on the gas. That may be what you will have to do with your new, exciting,
and dynamic idea. Merge into the slower moving people, navigate through their
challenges and reservations, and then be ready to speed down the road toward
achievement and success. I guarantee you that the traffic will not be as
congested as you get closer to your success destination.